白劲波,女,锡伯族,中共党员,1971年8月出生,黑龙江省阿城人。哈尔滨工程大学管理科学与工程专业,管理学博士,现为永利官网会计学系副教授。研究方向:管理信息系统、社会计算、电子商务、群体智能。在《哈尔滨工业大学学报》、《情报杂志》、《Journal of Information & Computational Science》、《Journal of Computational Information Systems》等国内外学术期刊发表学术论文30余篇,被EI、CSSCI、CPCI收录20余篇,出版著作和教材4部,获得软件著作权13项,主持和参与各类科研课题10余项。
1. 副主编,《数据库原理与应用——SQL Server》, 清华大学出版社, 2008年
2. 基于标签技术和群体绩效评价的多媒体检索. 情报杂志, 2011, (9) (CSSCI)
3. Community identification based on clustering coefficient. CHINACOM 2011, 2011 (EI收录)
4. Overlapping network community detection method based on topology potential. Journal of Information & Computational Science, 2012, (18) (EI收录)
5. Novel network compression based on the importance of the community nodes. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2013, (12) (EI收录)
6. Network community identification method based on individual-centered theory. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series), 2012,(2) (EI收录)
7. Multiple star node discovery algorithm in social network based on six degrees of separation and greedy strategy,Recent Trends in Intelligent Computing,Communication and Devices, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1031,2019(EI收录)
8. Big Data and Fans Economy Oriented Star Node Mining Improved Algorithm in Social Networks Based on Acquaintance Immunization,The 3rd Annual International Conference on Information System and Artificial Intelligence(ISAI 2018),第十六届肇庆市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,(EI收录)
9. Reduced Multi-star Node Discovery Algorithm in Social Network Based on Six Degrees Separation and Greedy Strategy,The 2019 IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (IEEE ITAIC 2019),(EI收录)
10. Study on a Pareto principle case of social network,The 2019 4th International Conference on Social Sciences and Economic Development (ICSSED 2019),(CPCI收录)
11. Summary Extract Approach of Heterogeneous Multimedia Documents Based on Folksonomy with Incentive and Quality Assurance Mechanisms,2017 International Conference on Economics, Management Engineering and Marketing (EMEM 2017),(CPCI收录)
12. Research on Constructivism-based Collaborative Learning Mode,2nd International Conference on Economics and Management, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences (EMEHSS 2018),(CPCI收录)
3.面向电商差异化营销的社交网络Top K连通子网发现和挖掘,永利集团基金项目(No.201845),主持。
4.基于群体智能和标签网络的异质多媒体文档内容概要提取研究,黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(No. 12531529),主持。
5.基于异质谱聚类的增量式多关系社会网络社区识别方法研究,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(博导类)(No. 20112304110011),参与。
7.基于群体智能的课程教学资源共建共享研究,黑龙江工程学院公司产品改革工程项目(No. JG2012054),主持。
9.基于轮廓处理的车型模式识别及其数据库的研究,黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(No. 10551259),参与。
10.基于客户端的anti-spam技术的研究,黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目(No. 11513092),参与。