


学历: 中央大学 企业管理博士毕业 


一、近五年已出版SCI, SSCI, EI 学术著作:

1. From Attribution Theory and IS Success Aspects: Examining How and Why Nostalgia Affects the Introduction of a New IT System, Journal of Internet Technology, 2019,单一作者, SCI


2. Satisfaction or Attitude is Matter? The Fully Mediating Effect of Attitude, International Conference on Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation Technologies and Application, 页数: 604-609,出版: 2018, 单一作者, EI


3. The Effects of Enjoyment on an Enterprise Information System, Su-Tzu Hsieh ,4th International Conference on Economics and Management,页数: 72-79 ,出版: 2017, 单一作者, EI


4. 2. Effective memory reusability based on user distributions in a cloud architecture to support manufacturing ubiquitous computing, Ping-Yu Hsu; Su-Tzu Hsieh; Yu-Cheng Chuang, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING,卷册: 3,页数: 459-471   出版: 2017,通讯作者, SCI


5. Pushing Decision Points Backward to the Latest Possible Positions with a Workflow Log, Hsieh, Su-Tzu; Hsu, Ping-Yu; Cheng, Ming Shien; 7th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence,卷册: 9713 页数: 298-305 出版: 2016,第一作者, SCI


6. Mentoring effects in the successful adaptation of Information Systems,第一作者Su-Tzu Hsieh, Ping-Yu Hsu ,Journal of Information Development (SSCI) vol.3 issue 2, page 146-175, 2015


7. Advanced sales and operations planning framework in a company supply chain, Jun Zhong Wang , Su-Tzu Hsieh, Ping-Yu Hsu , International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol.25 issue 3, page 248-262, 2012 , 第二作者,(SCI)



1. 基于Odoo系统构建信管专业实训平台的设计研究  福建省教育科学 2016/8-2018/7第三排名/信管专业实训平台的研究报告。

2. 2017年省级实验教学示范中心(经济管理综合实验中心)省教育厅本科教学工程2017/9-2018/8 第二排名/当任经济管理综合实验中心 主任。

3. 复杂系统视阈下漳州市可持续发展关键因素的并行分析, 市社科规划项目 2018/5-2020/4第三排名/调研与分析。

4. 21世纪“海上丝绸之路”港口综合物流产业效率的比较研究与监测 2018/9-2021/8第三排名/产业效率的比较与分析。




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